Monday, January 4, 2010

cat eyes drawing on drafting film using colored pencil

As I was getting ready to frame this piece, it became apparent that I should use a tinted background to complement the frame. The image to the right is the same drawing using a white mat board for the background. True, the whites seem brighter and the eyes more yellow but the tinted background looked better with my particular frame. This is the fun part of working with drafting film...being able to change the background to create different looks!


  1. Just beautiful..Colette. It's great that you can change the BG color with the drafting film.

    Love the eyes and the very realistic. You inspire me so much.

    Great job.

  2. Thank you Doreen, I guess we must inspire each other as I love your work too! Your comments are very appreciated.

  3. Thanks everyone for commenting. I'm happy it turned out alright, considering this was my first attempt at using drafting film.
