Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Artists for Conservation

I am very pleased to announce that I have been accepted into Artists for Conservation, a respected and prestigious worldwide artist's organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of nature through art.

Being a member of AFC not only allows me to share my love of the natural world's most precious wonders on a more global scale and allow me to connect with like-minded artists, but more importantly, it acts as an influential platform to further promote conservation and education. I am honored to be part of an organization that underlines the importance of preservation as well as the dangers of species extinction through art. Like so many, I am deeply concerned and troubled by the challenges that face the natural world as the earth's environment constantly changes. It is my greatest hope that my work will help contribute to the cause of conservation.

Please take a moment and visit the AFC website at and browse through the selection of highly skilled artists. You can view my Artist Profile at

A huge THANK YOU to my artist friends Gemma, John and Danielle for your advice and encouragement in the application process!!