Friday, April 16, 2010

Small peacock study in pastel

I just love the peacock's intense blue feathers and can't think of any better small piece to work on at the moment. I really needed to work on something that would progress quickly to keep my artistic juices flowing (and from getting bored)!

This bird I photographed at one of the campsites we stayed at last August. Very beautifully feathered, but he was unfortunately a pretty nasty bird which actually ended up attacking me by beating his wings at me and stomping his feet and spurs on my arms and stomach. At least I got a few good shots of him before he beat up on me!


  1. The blues are so vivid and beautiful, Colette, and very nice detail on the head and face. Yes....I'm thinking it may have been worth the abuse! : )

    Is this done on sueded board?

  2. Thanks Lynda for your kind words!
    Your guess is correct...the support is a beige toned suede board.
